JAKES stands for Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship.
If you are 13 years old or younger and you like hunting, fishing, hiking, camping or just being outside with your family, JAKES is the program for you. The National Wild Turkey Federation started the JAKES program as a way to give kids the chance to explore their outdoor world through hundreds of fun kids-only events held across North America called JAKES Conservation Field Days. During these events, JAKES members get to learn cool skills that they can take to the field to stay safe and have fun.
Make sure you check the NWTFSC events calendar section of this web site to find a JAKES Conservation Field Day near your home. Take a friend and your family for a fun day of conservation and building friendships. If you would be interested in hosting an event in your area, please contact Robbie Branham, NWTF SC State Chapter Jakes Chairman, at robbiebranham@scfbins.com or (803) 938-2914.
For more information please proceed to the following link. http://www.nwtf.org/jakes/
Xtreme JAKES
The NWTF’s Xtreme JAKES (ages 13-17), provides opportunities and challenges more in line with older JAKES abilities and experiences. JAKES which stands for Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship is dedicated to informing, educating and involving youth in wildlife conservation and the wise stewardship of our natural resources. If you would be interested in hosting an event in your area, please contact Robbie Branham, NWTF SC State Chapter Jakes Chairman, at robbiebranham@scfbins.com or (803) 938-2914.
For more information please proceed to the following link. http://www.nwtf.org/jakes/xtreme/xtreme.html